Building Bridges to Better Online Education: Developing a statewide program to achieve and recognize excellence in online education

Many institutions across the country are facing the increasing push to offer more and more classes in online environments.  While this need grows, the same institutions face no funding to increase staff and to spur training for course developers and instructors.  In the state of Arkansas, the Blackboard Users Group, called ARBUG, created a statewide program to recognize excellence in online courses.  The Diamond Award program uses the Blackboard Exemplary Courses Rubric to review courses created at state institutions using Blackboard LMS products. In this session we will review the program from creation to implementation.  Attendees will go away with an understanding of how to create such a program within their institution, state, or region.



Sue Burris, ARBUG Diamond Award, Co-Director

Mark Burris, ARBUG Diamond Award, Co-Director

Terry Patterson, Founding ARBUG President


Presented at Blackboard World 2012